Thursday, April 10, 2008

Things heard but not believed 4/26

"Over there in the alley" - in response to the question "Where do you work?" - tell the story

"Are you guys having a baby?" - asked of my 15 year old sister...and myself. Perhaps Vons does overpay union labor after all

"I've maintained my hand strength through simian levels of masturbation" - I plead the 5th

"They put you in the trash" - My 4 year old niece describing people who are impolite.

...and while writing this post:

"so, we should include something about our ongoing how i'm smarter than you." - Gun Rack
"well, that's kind of a settled debate, isn't it?" - Gigante Roboto
"yes, but i'm not sure we settled on the same thing" - Gun Rack

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